This collection of posts are some of my thoughts and discoveries specifically about technology. I may meander into other tangential topics, but I’ll try to stay focused. Life, after all, is all about focus. What was I talking about again?

Microsoft Band Battery Experience December 7, 2014 - When I unboxed my Microsoft Band, it had an 80% charge. I slept with it that night, and it was at 80% in the morning. I threw it on the charger for 30 minutes while I showered, and it was still at 80%. It seems like it really likes 80%! I wore it that day … Continue reading Microsoft Band Battery Experience
Save your phone from the toilet with Microsoft Band December 5, 2014 - Admittedly this is probably not a big problem for most people, but if you find that pulling your phone out at inopportune moments has caused you disaster, then the Microsoft Band may be for you. I know someone who accidentally dropped their phone into a flushing toilet! I had a phone slip from its holster, … Continue reading Save your phone from the toilet with Microsoft Band
The coolest web forms; November 29, 2014 - I stumbled upon the coolest web form creator called TypeForm. It users interactive imagery to convey a deeper tie between the form and it’s purpose. One great example is a form asking for ones age could display a birthday cake which changes the candles based on the answer, then blows them out. Very cool. I … Continue reading The coolest web forms;

Picture to text in Word September 22, 2014 - Today, I decided I would just take a picture of our church choir schedule so I would have it on my phone for reference. I remembered that Paul Thurrott on his Windows weekly podcast mentioned that the latest Microsoft Lens app could do Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and put the text and/or the image in … Continue reading Picture to text in Word