Certified Brilliant is something I’m doing in which every day I post something that I found on the internet. To qualify, I must think that it is simply brilliant, epic, and/or incredible. Since I don’t want to have too many posts doing small things, I’ll edit this post every day, adding a new brilliant/epic/incredible thing. Every month I will make a new post and start updating it. My favorite brilliant/incredible/epic thing in each post will be starred.
One day my friends were all talking about what their dream car was. Someone got the bright idea to ask me, the guy who had probably spent little more than a few minutes in his life thinking about the question. “Hey George, what about you? What’s your dream car?” he said. I looked up. “The Batmobile”. Then I got back to my book
Apart from repeated use of the word “freakin” (which actually isn’t a bad word, just associated with them), this is an incredible sounding technology which I hope is as good as it looks. Support them at https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/solar-roadways#home