Category Archives: Certified Brilliant

These are things that I found around the internet that I think are brilliant enough to re-post, I’ll try to be stringent on what comes up here though

Certified Brilliant – October Edition

Certified Brilliant is something I’m doing in which add something on the internet to the most recent Change Log. To qualify, I must think that it is simply brilliant, epic, and/or incredible. Since I don’t want to have too many posts doing small things, I’ll edit this post every day, adding a new brilliant/epic/incredible thing. Every month I will make a new post and start updating it. My favorite brilliant/incredible/epic thing in each post will be starred.


October 11 – Certified Brilliant <–*Star*

At least until you read it 🙂


October 7 – Certified Incredible <–*Star*

An awesome visual effect video.


October 3 – Certified Brilliant

For those who confuse “I could care less” with “I couldn’t care less”



~ George

Certified Brilliant – June Edition

Certified Brilliant is something I’m doing in which every day I post something that I found on the internet. To qualify, I must think that it is simply brilliant, epic, and/or incredible. Since I don’t want to have too many posts doing small things, I’ll edit this post every day, adding a new brilliant/epic/incredible thing. Every month I will make a new post and start updating it. My favorite brilliant/incredible/epic thing in each post will be starred.


June 7 – Certified Brilliant <–*Star*

“The distance from this sentence to your eye is my sculpture”

– Rethinking Curating – Art After New Media, By Beryl Graham and Sarah Cook

I found the sentence in this video, about 1 minute and 30 second into it:


June 6 – Certified Brilliant

…found tucked between the pages Julius Caesar’s diary…


June 5 – Certified Brilliant

Blog - Certified Brilliant - DHD Crimes of Opportunity


Title Text: “Oh right. This isn’t the Sahara desert, because in the Sahara desert water is CHEAPER”

Sign off text: “This water is gonna go great with my sandwich, which apparently is made out of a bar of gold.”

I may or may not do this someday ; ) . Source:


June 4 – Certified Epic <–*Star*

One day my friends were all talking about what their dream car was. Someone got the bright idea to ask me, the guy who had probably spent little more than a few minutes in his life thinking about the question. “Hey George, what about you? What’s your dream car?” he said.  I looked up. “The Batmobile”.  Then I got back to my book


June 3 – Certified Incredible

Apart from repeated use of the word “freakin” (which actually isn’t a bad word,  just associated with them),  this is an incredible sounding technology which I hope is as good as it looks. Support them at


June 2 – Certified Brilliant

That night, retired USAF pilots covertly replaced the '62' with '50'.

Title Text: “That night, retired USAF pilots covertly replaced the ’62’ with ’50’.”

Who knew that space was so close? Link:


June 1 – Certified Incredible <–*Star*

A poem to inspire you to put down your phone and look up


~ George

Certified Brilliant – May Edition

Certified Brilliant is something I’m doing in which every day I post something that I found on the internet. To qualify, I must think that it is simply brilliant, epic, and/or incredible. Since I don’t want to have too many posts doing small things, I’ll edit this post every day, adding a new brilliant/epic/incredible thing. Every month I will make a new post and start updating it. My favorite brilliant/incredible/epic thing in each post will be starred.

May 25 – Certified Incredible


This book. It’s Incredible. The world would be much better if we all did what this book said.

May 24 – Certified Brilliant

Lifting Rocks


May 23 – Certified Incredible

Blog - Certified Brilliant - Signature

“The Mother of All Signatures”

May 22 – Certified Brilliant

“Think outside the quadrilateral parallelogram”

May 21 – Certified Brilliant

“There are only 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don’t”

May 20 – Certified Brilliant

Blog - Certified Brilliant - xkcd Explorers

Title text: We’re going to have to work together to get over our hangups if we’re going to learn to move on Catan’s hexagonal grid. It’s bad enough that we lost our crew of pawns when we passed within firing range of Battleship.


May 19 –  Certified Brilliant

My dad left me this note when I turned 16:

Happy Blog - Certified Brilliant - 16th Note Birthday!

May 18 – Certified Incredible <–*Star*

May 17 – Certified Epic  <–*Star*


S3 Krypton Series



Buy one here! Somehow, someday, I’ll get one of these…

May 16 – Certified Incredible

Blog - Certified Brilliant - Roundabout

The Magic Roundabout in Swindon, England. Also know as the roundabout from “down there”

May 15 – Certified Brilliant

Blog - Certified Brilliant - xkcd Tetris

The comic:

The comic’s sources:

You can play the Heaven version of Tetris here:, and the Hell version can be played here:

May 14 – Certified Brilliant

$2 Undecillion Lawsuit

What if Au Bon Pain lost this lawsuit and had to pay the plaintiff $2 undecillion?

Find the answer here:

May 13 – Certified Brilliant <–*Star*


Get Real Be Rational


~ George