Anyone else ever noticed the irony of there being a correct way to spell “gibberish”?
Category Archives: Idea Polish Level: 1
Pi Day, 3/14/15 at 9:26
This post will be posted automatically 3/14/15 at 9:26 EST 🙂
For those who don’t know the significance of that time and date, here are the first digits of pi:
Also, here’s something else:
I <3 π
That’s internet for “I heart pi”, but it’s actually also the equation 1 < 3×3.14…, which is a true statement. Hooray for double meanings! Hooray for math! Hooray for Pi!
Invention Idea: Flavored Oxygen
We already have flavored water. What about flavored oxygen? Would perfumes count? Maybe have a thing that you spray in the air that, instead of just smelling good, also tastes good. What benefit would there be to having good tasting air? Just a thought I found interesting; reminds me of a previous post Air Calories.
~ George
Quotable/Interesting Observation – The Cycle of Tiredness
If you run too long you’ll get tired and want to walk. If you walk too long you’ll get tired and want to stand. If you stand too long you’ll get tired and want to sit. If you sit too long you’ll get tired and want to lay down. If you lie down too long you’ll get tired and want to get up and run. This is the Cycle of Tiredness.
~ George
Air Calories
I wonder how many calories you get just by breathing. Would location matter? I think it would, because somewhere like a pizza place probably has more microscopic particles of food in the air than somewhere like your house. After all, they deal with a lot more food than your house (unless I’m completely misjudging the average household).
What about places like the forest, where there would be lots of pollen and stuff like that floating around? While that’s not food for us, it would certainly still have calories.
Finally, would it be possible to have a restaurant in which you only “eat” by smelling the food? I guess it’d be possible, but it wouldn’t last long…
~ George
Interesting Observation: DEMENTORS!
I just realized that dementors live on the energy that they get from feeding on
Just let that sink in
Picture source:
~ George
Trademark Name
What if a dictator trademarked his name, and wouldn’t let anyone else have it? Or what if a name was so “sacred” that no one was allowed to use it? Are there any like that today? (Probably)
~ George
Awesome Job Idea: To Be Awesome
What if a millionaire sponsored someone to simply be awesome at stuff? Although, unlike usual, the guy wouldn’t stick to one thing, he would simply spend all of his time finding and learning things that interest him. Then, whenever he’s ready, he’ll perform/teach for his employer. In retrospect, it sounds less like something that someone would pay for and more like something that someone who is extremely rich would do for himself.
~ George
Complete Amnesia
What if someone completely forgot everything, and not just memories but also words, images, tastes, everything. How would someone with this “Complete” Amnesia describe the world? They wouldn’t know colors or textures, verbs or nouns. They wouldn’t even know what colors, textures, verbs, or nouns were or that there even was a such things. What if that person tried to describe what he “saw” in a book? Over all, I think it’s be pretty interesting.
~ George
Deeper Movies
Have you ever watched a movie and thought that even if it was good, it was very shallow? For example, most real villains don’t do evil for the sake of evil. Something that I thought would be interesting would be if someone took a simple movie and made it a lot deeper. For example, they could show the villain’s back story, have the hero not be able to take down 20 ninjas by himself, have there not be 20 ninjas in the first place when they can use guns, etc. Just get rid of all those “that would never happen” things and replace it with something more interesting. Maybe retroactively make the movie into a book, since they say “the book it always better than the movie” (not including those little movie picture books for children and the like).
~ George