Category Archives: Change Logs

Change Log from November 18 to January 31

Special note for this change log: This change log is HUGE because it’s been so long since I’ve done one. I want to get back into it and maybe make it a weekly thing, but with school coming up I don’t know. The problem with change logs is that they take a lot of time to do, but hopefully that time is outweighed by the convenience of all the information it’d have. It’s a fine balance between spending my limited time on change logs and actual posts, but I’ll try to find it.


Every few days I make a post that highlights all the changes and/or posts that have been made since the last change log. This way I can update previous posts and actually have the changes be found, plus readers will be able to get easy access to all the new posts without scrolling down too much. Note: Since this post may be the last thing I post on a given day, it is less likely to be properly cleaned up, as I will be rather tired at that point

New Posts:

Major Changes:

Minor Changes:

    • I’ve changed some stuff, but I can’t remember what it was. This is why I need to make the change log often!

Of Special Note:

    • none

Certified Incredible:

    • Wow…

~ George

Change Log of November 1-17, 2014

Note: I haven’t made a change log in a long time, but I’ve started working on one. Hopefully I’ll be able to get one out again.

Every few days I make a post that highlights all the changes and/or posts that have been made since the last change log. This way I can update previous posts and actually have the changes be found, plus readers will be able to get easy access to all the new posts without scrolling down too much. Note: Since this post may be the last thing I post on a given day, it is less likely to be properly cleaned up, as I will be rather tired at that point

New Posts:

    • George’s:
    • World Idea: No Passing This Point – Instead of categorizing all my “story ideas” as just “story ideas”, I decided to specify it a bit; in this case it’s a “world idea”, meaning that the main thing I touch on is the setting rather than other stuff
    • How to do tan^1 on a calculator is based on my reply to someone asking me that very question. As I am prone to do, I got in much more detail than I think the asker intended, but in this case I think it was better to over-explain than under-explain
    • Rose’s Birthday Gift: Lyrics Book brings one of my real-world projects to the blog; as said in the title, it contains a download of what I printed off and gave to Rose for her birthday
    • Steve’s:
    • How to pass-through connections on an intermediate Riverbed SteelHead is Steve’s thorough and understandable (to those who know what a Riverbed SteelHead is) answer to the title’s question

Major Changes:

Minor Changes:

    • I changed the description text of this change log to make reference to the fact that I won’t always be posting a change log the day of an update to the blog, because it’s hard enough to write 100 words a day without making a change log for everything I post.
    • I fixed some typos in wish two of The Ultimate Wish: Part 1 of 3 – The Wish

Of Special Note:

    • Just wanted to mention that I am now 10 weeks into the 100 words for 100 days activity! As of now I written over 10,000 words for this blog in the last 9 weeks 🙂

Certified Brilliant:

~ George

Change log of October 26, 2014

At the end of every day (or, at least every day that I change something), I make a post that highlights all of the changes and/or posts that have been made since the last change log. This way I can update previous posts and actually have the changes be found, plus readers will be able get easy access to all the new posts without scrolling down too much. Note: Since this post will be the last thing I post each day, it is less likely to be properly cleaned up, as I will be rather tired at that point

New posts:

Major Changes:

  • none

Minor Changes:

  • none

Of Special Note:

  • This change log is a day late because I was really tired last night and didn’t feel like making a change log

Certified Brilliant:

  • I believe that if you haven’t seen Abbott and Costello Who’s on First then you are truly missing something in life. They say that actions speak louder than words, so rather than just recommending the video I’ll actively make it easier for you to see it 🙂


~ George

Change Log of October 19, 2014

At the end of every day (or, at least every day that I change something), I make a post that highlights all of the changes and/or posts that have been made since the last change log. This way I can update previous posts and actually have the changes be found, plus readers will be able get easy access to all the new posts without scrolling down too much. Note: Since this post will be the last thing I post each day, it is less likely to be properly cleaned up, as I will be rather tired at that point

New posts:

  • Interesting Observation: Average Day considers what we say we like to do and what we actually like to do
  • Finally! Another Idea Polish Level 4! Culture Idea: Chance Based Currency is something I actually started about a month ago, but I kept thinking I couldn’t publish it until it was finished. However, I decided that it’d make it easier on both the reader and the writer to have it split into smaller sections that don’t take as long to read (or write 🙂 ), so that’s what I did.

Major Changes:

Minor Changes:

  • I reformatted the Cool Websites page, Extra Cool Websites page, Special Websites page, and Ponderings from Math Class post so that each item in them were individually numbered.

Of Special Note:

  • Subscribe to the blog to get email alerts whenever a new post is posted!

Certified Brilliant:


~ George

Change Log of October 11, 2014

At the end of every day (or, at least every day that I change something), I make a post that highlights all of the changes and/or posts that have been made since the last change log. This way I can update previous posts and actually have the changes be found, plus readers will be able get easy access to all the new posts without scrolling down too much. Note: Since this post will be the last thing I post each day, it is less likely to be properly cleaned up, as I will be rather tired at that point

New posts:

Major Changes:

Minor Changes:

Of Special Note:

  • none

Certified Brilliant:

  • At least before you read it 🙂


~ George

Change Log of October 7, 2014

At the end of every day (or, at least every day that I change something), I make a post that highlights all of the changes and/or posts that have been made since the last change log. This way I can update previous posts and actually have the changes be found, plus readers will be able get easy access to all the new posts without scrolling down too much. Note: Since this post will be the last thing I post each day, it is less likely to be properly cleaned up, as I will be rather tired at that point

New posts:

  • Both Story Idea: Non-Linear Book and
  • Age < 11 are simply Polish Level 1 ideas that I thought were interesting
  • Interesting Observation: Movie Titles, however, was supposed to be level 1, but I ended up explaining it a lot more than I intended too, because it ended up more interesting than I thought it would be

Major Changes:

  • none

Minor Changes:

  • I change the phrase “highlights all of the changes and/or posts that have been made that day” in the Change Log description to “highlights all of the changes and/or posts that have been made since the last change log“. While I intend to write the change log often, it seems silly to write one for only one item. This way I can wait until I’ve got at least two things to mention before I write a change log

Of Special Note:

  • none

Certified Brilliant:


~ George

Change Log of October 3, 2014 – The “To Do List” Update

At the end of every day (or, at least every day that I change something), I make a post that highlights all of the changes and/or posts that have been made that day. This way I can update previous posts and actually have the changes be found, plus readers will be able get easy access to all the new posts without scrolling down too much. Note: Since this post will be the last thing I post each day, it is less likely to be properly cleaned up, as I will be rather tired at that point

New posts:

Major Changes:

Minor Changes:

  • I converted the To Do List from bullet points to a Numbered List for convenience (both for you and for me)
  • I marked off #1, 3, 6, and 7 off on the To Do List (!!!!!) These were all things that I’ve really wanted to do for the site but I hadn’t done until now

Of Special Note:

  • I’m starting up Certified Brilliants again! However, instead of doing it every day, I’ll add a certified brilliant to (almost) every Change Logs.
  • I find so many interesting things on the internet, I decided that I’d form my own StumbleUpon sort of page. The idea is that no matter which links you decide to click on, you’ll find something interesting.

Certified Brilliant:

  • For those who confuse “I could care less” with “I couldn’t care less”


~ George

Change Log of October 2, 2014

At the end of every day (or, at least every day that I change something), I make a post that highlights all of the changes and/or posts that have been made that day. This way I can update previous posts and actually have the changes be found, plus readers will be able get easy access to all the new posts without scrolling down too much. Note: Since this post will be the last thing I post each day, it is less likely to be properly cleaned up, as I will be rather tired at that point

New posts:

Major Changes:

  • none

Minor Changes:

Of Special Note:

  • none


~ George

Change Log of October 1, 2014

At the end of every day (or, at least every day that I change something), I make a post that highlights all of the changes and/or posts that have been made that day. This way I can update previous posts and actually have the changes be found, plus readers will be able get easy access to all the new posts without scrolling down too much. Note: Since this post will be the last thing I post each day, it is less likely to be properly cleaned up, as I will be rather tired at that point

New posts:

  • George’s Posts
    • Might as well make some use of the time I spend in math class 😉 : Ponderings from Math Class (Note: just to be clear, I spend almost all the time listening to the teacher. Glad to have that out of the way 🙂 )

Major Changes:

  • There is now an About Us page! Now we just need to fill it…:)

Minor Changes:

  • none

Of Special Note:

  • none


~ George

Change Log of September 23, 2014

At the end of every day (or, at least every day that I change something), I make a post that highlights all of the changes and/or posts that have been made that day. This way I can update previous posts and actually have the changes be found, plus readers will be able get easy access to all the new posts without scrolling down too much. Note: Since this post will be the last thing I post each day, it is less likely to be properly cleaned up, as I will be rather tired at that point

New posts:

Major Changes:

Minor Changes:

  • none

Of Special Note:

  • none


~ George