Note: I haven’t made a change log in a long time, but I’ve started working on one. Hopefully I’ll be able to get one out again.
Every few days I make a post that highlights all the changes and/or posts that have been made since the last change log. This way I can update previous posts and actually have the changes be found, plus readers will be able to get easy access to all the new posts without scrolling down too much. Note: Since this post may be the last thing I post on a given day, it is less likely to be properly cleaned up, as I will be rather tired at that point
New Posts:
- George’s:
- World Idea: No Passing This Point – Instead of categorizing all my “story ideas” as just “story ideas”, I decided to specify it a bit; in this case it’s a “world idea”, meaning that the main thing I touch on is the setting rather than other stuff
- How to do tan^1 on a calculator is based on my reply to someone asking me that very question. As I am prone to do, I got in much more detail than I think the asker intended, but in this case I think it was better to over-explain than under-explain
- Rose’s Birthday Gift: Lyrics Book brings one of my real-world projects to the blog; as said in the title, it contains a download of what I printed off and gave to Rose for her birthday
- Steve’s:
- How to pass-through connections on an intermediate Riverbed SteelHead is Steve’s thorough and understandable (to those who know what a Riverbed SteelHead is) answer to the title’s question
Major Changes:
- I edited wish #7 of The Ultimate Wish: Part 2 of 3 – Safety and added wishes #8 and #14
- I added wish #8 in The Ultimate Wish: Part 3 of 3 – Fun
Minor Changes:
- I changed the description text of this change log to make reference to the fact that I won’t always be posting a change log the day of an update to the blog, because it’s hard enough to write 100 words a day without making a change log for everything I post.
- I fixed some typos in wish two of The Ultimate Wish: Part 1 of 3 – The Wish
Of Special Note:
- Just wanted to mention that I am now 10 weeks into the 100 words for 100 days activity! As of now I written over 10,000 words for this blog in the last 9 weeks 🙂
Certified Brilliant:
- As said in this image’s source (, “it’s odd how Mario is supposed to save the Mushroom Kingdom, yet the guy is freely hurling fire throughout dozens of flammable environments” 🙂
~ George
To live in a time and place in history when we are free to publish to the World, is a fantastic thing. Even today, there are parts of the World where governments closely monitor and limit what its people can publish. We have been blessed to live in a country that currently still believes that you have a God given right to freedom of speech. Congratulations on using your rights and writing over 10,000 words!!! Nice job!