Stake Technology Specialist

My church calling right now is as our Stake Technology Specialist.  As I’m learning how to provide our church members with technology, I’ll post  things I’ve learned, Challenges I’ve overcome, and questions I still have.  I’m very open to suggestions and others’ wisdom as I really am a beginner on many of the topics I will discuss.  Still, I hope this information will be helpful to current and future Stake Technology Specialists.

For those who are not familiar with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we believe in a restored Gospel of Jesus Christ including living Prophets, new scripture for our day, a restored Priesthood authority with keys to operate His Church provided by Jesus Himself, and a lay ministry to do it of which my calling as STS is a tiny part.  For more information, please see the official Church websites at (more for day-to-day spiritual study and guidance) or (more for questions about the Gospel of Jesus Christ).



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