At the end of every day (or, at least every day that I change something), I’m going to make a post that highlights all of the changes and/or posts that have been made that day. This way I can change previous posts and actually have the changes be found, plus reader will be able get to all the new posts without scrolling down too much. Note: Since this post will be the last thing I post each day, it is less likely to be properly cleaned up, as I will be rather tired at that point
New posts:
- Story Idea: Benedite popped into my head I think earlier today. It fascinates me to think of what a world like the one described in the post would be like
- Story Idea: Useless Magic also seems like an interesting world, although it doesn’t have much of a plot yet
Major Changes:
- none
Minor Changes:
- none
Of Special Note:
- none
~ George